First time I ever appeared on telly was for a shopping channel called Ideal World (more of these vids on the Music page). This wasn’t just telly, this was live telly. I turned up with a guitar, a handful of CD’s and a great deal of in-trepidation. They asked me to mime, I said no and off we went. Sold all my CD’s though and every time they asked me back I brought more of the band along…
Ideal World Shopping Channel
CH4 Club 18-30s Sex In The 80s
Now, I’ve confessed all to Channel 4 about my Club 18-30 shenanigans on The Story of Club 18-30, I’ve raved of the virtues of Ford and its masterpiece The Capri on BBC4, and I’ve even told BBC2 about my first time on The Virgin Diaries. Even Harry Hill got involved once on his TV Burp and it all went bonkers again. I love telly, telly rocks.⚡️